The contact list page is useful to have a quick glance at your contacts. Depending on the data you use, you may want to display some of your contact data directly in this page instead of having to open each contact page.
To do that, you can customize the columns display in the contact list to get the data you want.
Here is the page with default columns :
To modify those colums, go in the configuration menu :
Click on the gear at the top right of the page, then on Configuration
Here, click on the “Contact settings” menu
You will find 2 fields to modify the list page columns.
The left list have all the column you can display on the page (it’s all the contact custom fileds)
The right field list all the column that are actually displayed on the list contact page
Modify the columns to display the data you want.
For example you can add the company columns to directly display the contact company
Save and close the configuration menu
Go on the contact list page to see your new columns :
You now got the important data directly on the contact list page.
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