You may want to know which are the contacts that have been on your website. To get this information, you have to use the reports from Webmecanik Automation.
To do so:
- Go on the "Reports" section and create a new report.
- Choose a name (eventually a description) and choose "Page hits" as Data source.
- Then click on "Data" tab. In this tab you will create the report.
- Columns section represents column that will be displayed in the report.
- Choose columns that you need to collect data by clicking on it.
- Here are columns to see what pages have been visited by which contacts.
- Of course you can add whatever column you need.
- Filter section allows to apply a filter for the report.
- Apply a 1st filter on "Contact email not empty" to display only identified contacts.
- Apply a 2nd filter on "ID equals" but do not fill with any value. Click on "YES" to make it dynamic. As this filter is dynamic, it will be possible to change IDs of landing pages to display contacts only from a specific one.
- You can add an ascending order on "Emails" to make the report view easier. Because each pages visited will be a line. So a same contact can have many lines in the report.
- Save and close.
Then you will be able to see who came on your website.
If you want to get this data only for a specific landing pages created with Automation, click on the "Filters" tab below the title of the report.
- This is where you will find your dynamic filters. In this example, fill with a landing page ID and apply.
- Contacts displayed are the one that visited this specific landing page.
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