When contacts receive emails they can unsubscribe. Then they will not receive emails anymore.
It can be interesting to have a segment with only mailable contacts. For example to minimize the gap between the number of contacts in the segment and the number of emails sent.
Filters in segment will be useful.
- Go on the "Segment" section.
- Click on "New" to create a segment.
- Choose a name (eventually a description) and go on the "Filters" tab.
- Click on "Choose one" to apply filters.
- Add a filter on "Email" field "Not empty" to have only identified contacts (not anonymous that cannot receive emails).
- Add another filter on "Unsubscribed-Emails not equal to Yes" to remove contacts that cannot receive emails. Use the operator "AND" to add the filter.
With these two filters, you will have a segment that regroups only identified contacts that have not unsubscribed, so they can get emails.
To go further, you can add another filter on contacts that are bounces. Because they will not receive emails anymore.
- Add a filter on "Bounced-Emails" not equals "YES" with the "AND" operator.
Bounces contacts (or future bounces) will not be in the segment.
You can also add the manual unsubscribed contacts the same way.
This segment should be displayed like this:
This is a dynamic segment that will evolve autonomously. When contacts will unsubscribe or be bounced they will be removed from this segment.
At the opposite if contacts are removed from "Do not contact" they will get into this segment.
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