In this article, we will see how to create campaigns reports to display different actions, decisions and conditions from a scenario.
To do so
- Go on the report section
- Then create a new report
- Choose a name (eventually a description) and choose "Campaign Events" as Data source
- Then click on "Data" tab. In this tab we will create the report.
- Columns section represents column that will be displayed in the report.
- Choose columns that you need to collect data by clicking on it.
- Here are columns that are interesting to follow contacts scenario.
- Of course you can add whatever column you need. This is an example of important data from campaigns.
- Filter section allows to apply a filter for the report.
- Let's apply a filter on the campaign ID to get data from the campaign we are interested in.
- If set on "YES" the option "Dynamic" allows to use this filter directly on the report view. It means with this filter, we can quickly switch to another campaign to see the data.
- In this report, it is normal to see few times same email address. Because it will display all actions, decisions and conditions from contacts.
- It is useful to set an order with email address to easily follow contacts scenario.
- Save and close.
You can click on "filters" tab to display dynamic filters that have been previously set. Also change the from date because it takes only ac month ago.
This report allows to follow which actions/decisions/conditions have been taken by contacts.
ID colunm represents campaign's IDs.
"Event name" column represents names that have been choosing when creating actions/decisions/conditions in campaign builder.
"Even context" column displays actions/decisions/conditions that have been performed by contacts.
"Event log date triggered" column displays if actions/decisions/conditions have been taken by contacts. "1" means "YES" and "0" means "NO".
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