Attention, this article is for creating an email theme from September 2020 with the new email builder. For Landing page or form themes you can continue to use the actual method.
Themes to your colors
On your marketing automation account, you can create custom themes in addition to the default themes.
This allows you to create emails brand to your company and with a structure matching your needs in a fast and easy way.
Create your code in MJML
Webmecanik Automation use a modern open source technology in its new builder : MJML
MJML est un projet collaboratif qui permet de générer du code HTML responsive pour tous les clients emails très simplement sans se soucis du rendu, cela est géré automatiquement.
MJML is a collaborative project to generate HTML responsive code for all email client in a easy way without worrying for rendering, all is automated.
- Go on
- Get help from MJML documentation to learn how to code in MJML. If you know HTML and CSS this will be a child play.
- Save your model in a file name nameofyourtemplate.mjml.twig
- Create the usual .zip file for a theme (see next chapter)
- Import the .zip file in the Webmecanik Automation interface (using the Theme menu)
- Create a new email, use your new template in the template selection
Attention : all the style must be inline. mj-head and mj-style tag are not supported.
Theme folder tree structure
Very simple, it must be exactly as told for the import to work. Here is an exemple with image and important actions :
- Architecture (folder/sub-folder) must be exactly like this
- The config.json file must be well structured (name and activated features : "page", "email", "forme", depending of your theme)
- Make a zip of the parent folder content. for exemple you do not zip the parent folder "basiclayout" but the content in this folder. So the config.json file will be at the root of the zip.
Because it's simpler to start from an exemple, you can find one attached to this article (this theme is already installed in your Webmecanik Automation account)
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