It is important to follow-up key indicators when you send emails. First to measure the emailing campain then to improve futur campaigns.
Where are located the email statistics within Automation ?
First of all, there are 3 indicators in the email list that quickly allow to see it. Badges in yellow, green and blue. They represent the total numbers of email sent, email opened and the open rate from the sent date to today's date.
To see more stats, you need to go on the email sheet.
Here are the different graphics/board displayed :
The graphic on the left:
It represents the:
- sent emails: number of emails sent each days (or month year it depends on the date you set),
- read emails: number of email opened each days, month or years,
- failed emails: emails that could not be sent because of the real problem (like server issue etc;),
- clicked: it represents the number of uniquer clickers (and not total clicked),
- Unsubscribed: number of contacts that unsubscribed each days, month or years from this email,
- bounced: number of contacts that could not receive the email because of a temporary problem (mailbox full for example) or wrong email address etc. There is no distinction between hard and soft bounces.
It is possible to click on one or many criteria to remove it from the graphic to have a better view for another one. Example below, we want to see only the number of emails read :
The scale will adapt depending on the higher number.
By moving the mouse on the curve, you can display the number of email read (in this example) each days.
By default, graphics always display the last 30 days. You need to widen the range date if you think it misses some data.
Why are there some number differences between the graphic and the badges (in the email list).
The first thing to do is widen the range date in case.
Then the graphic above takes into account contacts that are in the instance. That means if some contacts have been deleted after sending emails, the number of email sent will be lower than the number of emais sent in the badge (because the badges ignore existing contacts so it take the real number of emails sent).
The graphic on the right:
It corresponds to different device the email were open from. If a contact open three times an email on his smartphone, it will count 3 on this graphic. That's why the number of emails read can be higher on this graphics compared to the reel number of emails read in the green badge.
The clics table:
It represents the total number of clics (also for each URL) and unique clics. If a contact clics twice on the same URL, it will be displayed 2 clics but 1 unique clic (because same contact clicked again on the same link).
To see other statistics, you can also create reports on emails sent. For example, you could see which contacts opened what emails etc.
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