The international format provides for the following formatting:
- First line for headers (column title)
- Fields separated by commas
- Encoding in UTF-8
In Europe and especially in France, Microsoft Excel will give you a nice export in western format with commas.
This can be quite penalizing. Indeed, accented characters can be broken and some tools where you are going to import your file will not support commas.
For this reason, we recommend that you open your file in Google Sheet and export as a CSV file from Google Sheet (which will put the file in the correct format). Or simply set your tool where your database is located to the correct format.
Import on Automation :
When selecting your CSV file in Automation, you can choose the field separator (change it from comma to semicolon). This allows you to import your file even if it is not in international format.
Multi-value field management
If you want to import values in multi-value fields, it is possible!
You need to format as follows: "value 1|value 2|value 3".
Example of the CSV file
prénom,nom,intérêt Louis,Martin,"valeur 1|valeur 2|valeur 3"
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