With Webmecanik Automation you can add new contact or company custom fields.
To do so, you need to click on the logo in the top right corner
Click on custom fields
The list of existing fields will be displayed.
Click on "new" to create a new custom field
Label : name of the field.
Alias: created automatically if not filled
Object : choose if the custom field is for contacts or companies
Data type : choose the type of custom fields
- Boolean : only 2 options (example Yes ou No)
- Date: date type YYYY-MM-DD
- Date/time: date and time field YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS
- Email: email field
- Liste Country: select type field with country already filled
- Look up: field that suggest values already existing
- Number: number type field (only numbers can be filled)
- Phone: to fill with phone number
- Region: select type filled with region already filled
- Select: select type field (only value can be filled for a contact or company)
- Select multiple: select type field (several values can be filled for a contact or company)
- Text: text field (limited to 192 caracters)
- Text area: text field (no caracters limit)
- Time: time field HH-MM-SS
- Timezone: select type to define what is the timezone of contacts or company (existing list)
- URL: to fill with URL
Group : to choose what will be the group of the custom field (core, social, personal ou professional)
Valeur per default: assign a value per default to new contacts or companies
Other options
published: if YES, custom field will be displayed in contact sheet, import and condition
Required: if YES, contacts or company cannot be created if this field is not filled
Visible on forms: to have this field available in forms
Visible on short forms: if YES, field will be displayed when "quick add" is used to create contacts
Available for segments: field can be use as a filter in segments
Is unique identifier: if YES, value of this field will be unique for contact or companies. Per default "email" is a unique identifier. It is not possible to change this. Be careful is you set other unique identifier
Publicy updatable: Set on YES if you use the tracking script to send parameters to your instance
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